
"Truck got Owned"

On the bitter cold night of Wednesday July, 23 2008 someone decided to steal 2,500 dollars worth of parts from my truck. They took almost everything from bumper to bumper. Funny thing is that I could still somewhat drive it. So I drove it to the Toyota dealer and I was told the bad news. I asked, "Did I get effed?" After a long deep breath the Toyota dude said, "Yes, you got effed.... Big time". FAIL!!!! EPIC FAIL!!!! I did get a sweet rental car. It has a much better turn radius than my Tacoma. Such a bad day because I didn't get to WORKOUT!!! Not only did my truck get royally raped, I was denied my workout. When you deprive GIL his effing workout, GIL gets angry, you do not want to see GIL angry... may God have mercy on those souls, because the EPIC of GILGAMESH is about to reign down on them.

on the lighter side... I like the beach. I like to get there really early before everyone else shows up and take like thirty bottles with notes in them and throw them into the water. Then I wait for everyone to come to the beach and when someone goes to pick up one of the bottles, I go up behind them because when they open it there’s a note saying, "I’m standing right behind you".

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