
Near Death

For the past 3 weeks I was in the hospital for a bleeding ulcer. I went through 15 units of blood. 3 trips to the hospital. 3 procedures and finally I have stopped bleeding. On the Thursday the 29th of October @ 2am I passed out from blood loss. My roommates found me and called 911.

Upon arriving in the ER I underwent many tests to see what my problem was. I found out that my blood count was at 5 instead of the usual 15-17 range. I enjoyed many blood transfusions and a lot of jello. I puked and crapped blood at the same time.

I am not allowed to lift heavy until January. I am glad it is all over.



Scott said...

I am so glad you are up and moving around. I just sent you an email asking about your health.

Take it easy a bit, listen to the doctors. Do they know what caused this?

Peter Gregg said...

WOW! Glad to hear you're out of the woods brother. That is not a good thing but hopefully the jello was good.