
WOD 120424

BB Gymnastics
1) 4X1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 75% – rest 40 sec.
Notes: The percentages should be based on your 1RM Clean. The entire complex should be unbroken. If you are a regional competitor and are not a member of Group 1, you should perform this at above 225/135# even if that is above 75%.
2) 4X3 Snatch Balance (NO heaving) – rest 60 sec.
1a) 3X5 Tempo Deadlifts – heavy, rest 60 sec.
Notes: Tempo should be 3 counts from floor to knees, explode past knees driving hips to bar, 3 counts back to floor. Concentrate on keeping legs loaded NOT back. Maintain vertical shin.
1b) 3X5 Strict Pullups + ME Kipping Pullups – rest 60 sec.
Notes: This should be one unbroken set of 5 strict PU then, without dropping off the bar, a max effort set of Kipping pullups.
Teams of 4 (2 Men, 2 Women)
For time:
20 Partner deadlifts (455 lbs)
20 Handstand push-ups
20 Partner deadlifts (315 lbs)
20 Handstand push-ups
20 Handstand push-ups
20 Partner deadlifts (455 lbs)
20 Handstand push-ups
20 Partner deadlifts (315 lbs)

Rest 30:00

Teams of 4 (2 Men, 2 Women)
For time:
20 Muscle-ups while partner holds 225 pounds
60 Wall ball shots (20-pound ball to 10') while partner holds chin over the bar
100' Buddy and 100-pound dumbbell carry
40 Box jumps, alternating on 24" box
100' Buddy and 100-pound dumbbell carry
2 Muscle-ups
20 Muscle-ups while partner holds 135 pounds
60 Wall ball shots (14-pound ball to 10') while partner holds chin over the bar
100' Buddy and 70-pound dumbbell carry
40 Box jumps, alternating on 20" box
100' Buddy and 70-pound dumbbell carry
2 Muscle-ups

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