
"Green Light"

90x Pull-up +
10x Get-up @ 35# +
80x Push-up +
20x Get-up @ 35#+
70x Atomic Sit-up @ 25# +
30x Get-up @ 35#+
60x Squat @ 45# +
40x Get-up @35#

Time: 1:11:34


Do you consider the phrase "no pain no gain" a worthy saying? granted pain is letting you know that your body is happy with what is happening to it... but mentally if you push through the pain and accomplish what you set out to do... is that gain? or is it stupidity. The workout i did today was hellish. This was more damaging to my body than it was constructive. I decided I would finish no matter what and I did. It hurt but mentally I am stronger now. Is that gain? Physically I am running on E. But mentally I feel I can take almost anything someone throws at me. It is stupid to train at near unbearable intensities or is it beneficial? Is it worth pushing your body to the limit in order to attain a better mental capacity?

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