
"G.I. Sissy Fran"

CF Brea @ the Patch (I am standing next to Josh Everett)

For time:
20-1 Thrusters @ 95#
1-20 Burpee Pull-ups

Time: 1 hour 26 minutes and 18 seconds

Note(s): Combination of "G.I. Jane" and "Fran" using the "Sissy Test" ladder. Rounds stagger.
Round 1:
20 Thrusters followed by 1 Burpee Pull-up
19 Thrusters followed by 2 Burpee Pull-ups
Final Round:
1 Thruster followed by 20 Burpee Pull-ups

1 comment:

Scott said...

This is absolutely a sick workout. All I can say is "ouch". Nice!

Every once in a while it feels really good to just die for an hour or so. Try this one sometime: