
SoCal Sectional Qualifiers

Day 2

WOD 3 "Six Max Efforts"

Overview. This WOD is composed of six different individual events, each done for max effort. You will have 3 minutes for each event to complete your max effort, followed by 3 minutes of rest (when you move from one event to the next). You will be ranked in each event individually, earning you 6 independent scores. Your total score for this WOD is the cumulative rank of all 6 scores. For example, an athlete that is ranked 1 in all six events will get a score of 6, and will be ranked in first place for this WOD.

Event 1: Row - 3 minutes - max calories
3 min rest
Event 2: Deadlift (275#/185#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 3: L-sit - accumulate as many seconds as possible in 3 minutes
3 min rest
Event 4: Overhead Squat (95#/65#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 5: Pull-ups (chin over bar) - one max effort without coming off the bar
**must begin pull ups within 5 seconds of the start**
Rest begins when you finish your pull-ups until start of run (6 min after start of pull-ups)
Event 6: 800m Run for time


Row: 61
Deadlift: 22
L-Sit: 47
OHS: 22
Pull ups: 21
Run: 3:20

WOD 3 Overview video ... [wmv] [mov]
WOD 3 Standards video ... [wmv] [mov]

1 comment:

Scott said...

I just ran through the results for So Cal. Nice work, man. You are a beast.