What a great year! Plenty of CrossFit memories that will never be forgotten. Let us review shall we?
On January 1st 2008 I made the mistake of posting goals that ended up changing a few months later. Technically I did not chase those goals since I found new or better ones.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Sometimes I get so consumed with accomplishing something I set too high of standards...Goals
Deadline: December 31, 2008
My top 10 CrossFit Memories of 2008
10) Performing every CrossFit exercise and then some
9) Learning Double Unders
8) Teaching myself the Snatch (that was fun...)
7) Going from a 14min + 30 muscle-ups for time to a 5:11
6) Learning the Handstand and the HSPU
5) Going from a 225lb. Deadlift to a 395lb. Deadlift
4) Starting Full Time CrossFit on January 1st 2008
3) Joining CrossFit Tacoma while home from school
2) Fran time from 9:13 to 4:23
1) CrossFit Level 1 certification on October 18th and 19th 2008
2009 Here I come! LETS WORKOUT!!!!
Deadline: December 31, 2008
- 25 Pistols Each Leg
- 2x Bodyweight Squat
- 60 Ring Pushups
- 1 ½ x Bodyweight Bench Press
- 20 Foot Rope Climb 2 Trips touch and go, no feet
- 1x Bodyweight Overhead Squat (15 reps)
- 2 KB Clean & Jerk 150 reps in 10 Minutes @ 24kg
- 400 Meter Run 1:00
- 2 ½ x bodyweight Dead Lift
- 1x Bodyweight Military Press
- 10 Full range handstand pushups
- 1 ½ x Bodyweight Clean
- 15 second Front Lever
- ¾ Bodyweight 1 Mile sandbag carry
- 2:10 800 Meter Run
- 1:25 500 Meter Row
- 30-Inch Vertical Jump
- 50 Ring Dips
- 1 Dip with 1x Bodyweight
- 40 Dead hang pull-ups
- 15 Muscle ups without touching ground
- 1:30 L-Sit
- 1 ¼ x Bodyweight Snatch
- 15 rounds in 20 minutes of “Mary” circuit (10 Handstand Push ups, 10 Pistols, 15 Pull ups = 1 round)
- 5:00 1 Mile Run
My top 10 CrossFit Memories of 2008
10) Performing every CrossFit exercise and then some
9) Learning Double Unders
8) Teaching myself the Snatch (that was fun...)
7) Going from a 14min + 30 muscle-ups for time to a 5:11
6) Learning the Handstand and the HSPU
5) Going from a 225lb. Deadlift to a 395lb. Deadlift
4) Starting Full Time CrossFit on January 1st 2008
3) Joining CrossFit Tacoma while home from school
2) Fran time from 9:13 to 4:23
1) CrossFit Level 1 certification on October 18th and 19th 2008
2009 Here I come! LETS WORKOUT!!!!
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