

BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch: 2X1 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90% – rest 60-90 sec.
2) Clean & Jerk: 2X1 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90% – rest 60-90 sec.
3) 4X2 Tempo High-Bar Back Squat @ heavier than last week – rest 60 sec.
Notes: Quick descent, 5 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
1a) 7X3 Weighted STRICT Pullups @ 70-75% (or more than last week)
1b) 7X3 Thruster @ 70%
Notes: Rest intervals should be no more than the length of time it takes to transition movements. You may time this total effort, but DO NOT go so fast that there is a possibility of missing reps, or having to break sets. There should be no more than 45 sec. rest between sets. If you could not use 70% for last week’s pullups, try to use it today or at least get closer. If you did use 70% last week, go up to 75%. If you do not have a 1RM Thruster, base off of your 1RM Push Press. Racks MAY NOT be used for the Thruster.
15 minutes Stone Shouldering practice. WATCH THIS DEMO VIDEO.
Notes: If you have limited experience with a stone, then take this time to watch the video and work on your technique with light stones. If you have are familiar with stone, then go a head and work up to a few heavy singles (DO NOT do many). If you do not have stones please do not ask us what you should use. You may strap bumper plates together, but this will not be the same. If you do not have stones, get some.
5 minute AMRAP of:
Alternating TGU @ 24/16kg
BB Gymnastics
1.  Based off 195lb. all sets completed
2.  Based off 260lb.  all sets completed
3.  275lb. (first time doing tempo squats,  I can definitely go higher next time)
1a.  63#
1b.  170#
Timed: 10:34
Skill / Strength:
No atlas stones
13 total reps

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