3x3 @ 60% 250#
2x2 @ 70% 295#
1x2 @ 80% 335#
3x1 @ 90% 375#
21-15-9 reps for time of:
225lb. Deadlift
Handstand Push-ups
Time: 11:49
Today's Nutrition
Breakfast: 1 egg, 3 egg whites, chopped bell pepper and onion, 1 peach, handful of almonds, cup of coffee
Post WOD Drink: Emergen-C pack w/ 5 grams of creatine
Post WOD meal: 2 sweet potatoes, 2 3oz. chicken breasts, 1 smoked apple chicken sausage
Lunch: 1 bag of trader joe's grilled zuccini, and eggplant w/ 2 chicken sausage links, handful of almonds
Snack: left overs from lunch
Dinner: 13 pan fried shrimp, 1/2 bag of broccoli w/marinara sauce, handful of almonds
What happened to your 100% DL? You got me to hit my workout harder. If you push me, I want to push you.
btw... great time on Diane. I am going to tape this this week. You did some great deads before a tough workout.
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